Well we have begun the adventure of cloth diapering! A friend of ours gave us a whole bunch of diapers and covers so we thought we would give it a try. I also purchased four used contour diapers and a few other diapering necessities. It took a couple of tries and a few outfits to figure out how to fold it correctly but I did it. Now I am messing with the covers. I am hoping to not have to buy any more covers but I cannot get the covers that we have to consistently not leak. On a positive note, I love the contoured diapers!! They fit her very well and are super absorbent!! The larger covers that I have seem to fit the contoured diapers well!
I currently have a head cold so my smeller is not in top condition but even with this disadvantage cloth diapering STINKS!! We have a large bag designed for diapering and keeping the smell in but unzipping it is a bit over whelming at times!!
I think that the biggest challenge for us will be for John to learn how to use these diapers. He is very willing but gets very grossed out by any kind of body fluid coming out of our baby. I am not sure how he is going to deal with toddler puke!! Last night he said that he might need to invest in some gloves.
Adelle does not seem to notice a difference in diapers (although she did wake up from her nap when the pee leaked all the way up her back). She is just as happy and content as ever!!
So what covers/dipes are you using? I have to recommend GroBaby (soon to be GroVia). I also have a couple of Wonder Wrap covers that I use with pre folds. I've never had a leak. My friend also uses Apple Cheeks, which are a pocket dipe, and she loves them. She found AC because her 6 mo baby was 22 lbs and was a hard fit for other dipes! There are fantastic deodorant discs that you can use to practically eliminate the smell. You can become a fan of Diaper Shops and GroBaby on FB and then you'll get alerts to all their great sales! Wow...Kristi doing cloth! Yah! (I'd love to see John changing one...My hubby refuses!)